Petition to Challenge the Design of 84-01 37th Avenue

There is currently an application to develop 84-01 37th Avenue into a six story, mixed-use building. The pplication will be reviewed by the Landmarks Preservation Commisssion on Tuesday, December 7th at 3:45pm.
Since the building is being proposed in a historic district its design is subject to the approval of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Because the proposed building lacks many of the aesthetic and design qualities that buildings in the Historic District of Jackson Heights are known for we are asking that the Commission deny the application. Currently, the building as designed does not provide green space along the 84th St. façade and is too literal a copy of Georgian Hall which is directly across 84th Street. Additionally, this building will block access to light and air for the southernmost windows of 35-43 84th St. which is contrary to the “light, air, and ventilation” that is a hallmark of the Jackson Heights Historic District.
We, the undersigned residents of Jackson Heights, are in opposition to this building as designed and urge the Landmarks Preservation Commission to deny a certificate of appropriateness for 84-01 37th Ave.