Safer Intersection at Eight Mile and Northport
We, the undersigned members of the Summit Elementary School Community and those living in the surrounding area, petition to have additional traffic controls and signs installed at the intersection of Eight Mile and Northport. We are seeking the following:
1. Flashing school zone signs activated during peak drop off and pick up times.
8:30 am - 9:30 am, 11:45 am - 1:15 pm, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm Monday-Friday
2. STATE LAW: YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS (Image) signs installed on all corners of intersection.
3. Sign stating distance to traffic light located at Eight Mile and Northport added to existing traffic signal sign located on Northbound and Southbound Eight Mile approaching Northport.
4. Fluorescent background added to existing traffic signal at intersection of Eight Mile and Northport.
This intersection sees a significant amount of traffic each day. Thousands of vehicles pass through during pick up and drop off of full and half day students. Summit Elementary is a walking school with well over half of the students commuting on foot, many along with their families. More than 300 pedestrians cross these streets during the peak times listed above. Parents, students, and crossing guards have witnessed too many incidents where a pedestrian could have been harmed due to the negligence of a driver, most notably running through red lights on Eight Mile, travelling at excessive speeds on Eight Mile, and not yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk. We believe that the requested traffic signals will draw more attention to this intersection and the people trying to cross it safely.
We are making these requests now, in the hopes that it does not take the occurrence of serious injury or a fatality to finally address this danger.