NVTA\'s Eight Principles for Transportation Funding
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) along with Northern Virginians like me, appreciate the significant efforts made by the Governor and the General Assembly in their 2007 provision of a dedicated funding source for Northern Virginia (HB 3202). Unfortunately, on February 29, 2008, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the General Assembly did not have a constitutional basis for delegating taxing authority to the NVTA. As a result, Northern Virginia is unable to address its worsening congestion. The implications for the region\'s and the state\'s economies are potentially disastrous. I support the Authority\'s Eight Principles which should be used to shape all future transportation funding in Northern Virginia. Unfortunately, iPetition has a 1000 word limit so there is not enough room to print the principles on this page, but the Eight Principles can be found at: http://www.thenovaauthority.org When signing the petition, a box will appear asking for a \"donation.\" This is a feature of iPetition\'s free service that is unrelated to NVTA\'s petition and no donation is required to sign.