Remove The AWP - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
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I want this thing removed or nerfed or something.
After having played CS:GO now for about 150 hours I have met people who either love or hate the AWP. You rarely see someone who is impartial towards it. As a result I would like to a see what people think about it and whether people use it. Personally I hate the thing, whether its because I struggle to use it as effectively as other or because every time you run across a door way, peek a corner or just turn around you are always meant by that familiar sound, which spreads fear into the eyes of the players. I feel that the AWP should not be a one shot everywhere, but as a compromise it should deal large amounts of damage (90+) everywhere apart from the head, of course leaving the one shot - head shot. Now I know this appears to just be a slightly buffed SSG but however I feel it would be very beneficial as many snipers could just switch to their secondaries or simply knife the opponent after the original hit. I feel only one sniper is necessary to the game and this sniper would encourage team play as people would be less greedy going for their kills. Either way if no one signs this thing I will assume I am alone.