Don't allow Butterwick to be ruined!
Tim Staniland Boston 0

Don't allow Butterwick to be ruined!

Tim Staniland Boston 0 Comments
413 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Objection to Boston Borough Council Planning Application B/19/0378

The proposed development of the Old Mill Site, Mill Lane, Butterwick as presented in planning application B/19/0378 will significantly affect the character, amenity, environment, and safety of the village of Butterwick. The parking and storage of vast numbers of recreational vehicles (RVs), caravans and trailers in the open is not an appropriate use of the site. There is no plan for renovation or maintenance of the buildings which are not included in the application. Adequate provision for B1 and B8 uses has been made within the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011 – 2036 which would be more appropriate for such a proposal of this type and scale.

In particular:

  • The application is incomplete, inaccurate, and conflicts with the provided Justification Statement.
  • The application does not satisfy Boston Borough Council adopted policy requirements.
  • The application is incongruous with the character of the village.
  • The environmental impact of anticipated traffic on noise pollution and impact upon adjoining and local residents is not adequately addressed.
  • The impact of heavy and large vehicles accessing the site via Mill Lane presents Highway Safety issues, and the existing access road is inadequate for the stated use.
  • Landscape impact from boundary treatments and light pollution from floodlighting, both of which would be expected in the establishment of a commercial vehicle storage facility, are not addressed.
  • Concerns which are material considerations raised by residents in response to previous rejected applications have not been addressed.

We therefore request that the application is rejected by Boston Borough Council.

Please note that in order for your signature of this petition to have validity you are required to provide your name, postcode, and email address.

You can add comments to your signature, or you can send comments regarding this planning application by email to or via the council website and clicking on planning applications.

Please note that for your comment or objection to be considered by the council they have to be "material considerations" particularly if you send a separate objection. For more information on what constitutes "material consideration" follow this link Planning Objection or a more detailed explanation How to Object. Concern over what the site might become is not a valid objection.

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