Petition to Change National Anthem to Chanting of USA for 2 and a half minutes (150 seconds)
This 4th of July, there is only one issue that truly plagues the American people, and that is our current National Anthem. The Star Spangled Banner is a 200 year old song that no longer reflects the American spirit. No one has the anthem on their phone, no one listens to the anthem when they work out. Additionally, our national anthem does not even mention or recognize out national strengths and pastimes! Where are the references to McDonalds, obesity, wars on inanimate objects, etc. We need an anthem that can be sung by anyone, can be sung anywhere, and represents the American spirit. There is a simple solution: Chanting of USA for 3 minutes. It's so easy, just chant U, followed by an S, and then ending with an A. This should repeat for 3 minutes, allowing the chant to be done 50 times, once for each state in the Union. Imagine a crowd of twenty thousand at a baseball game. Pop star sensation Iggy Azalea walks up to the home plate, and begins the national anthem. Twenty thousand people chant USA for two and a half minutes. The mere thought of this makes me shed a tear at the true beauty and patriotism of this new anthem. And the chant is so flexible, it doesn't need to be yelled, it can be whispered, emoted, sign language'd, so on and so forth. At school assemblies, it would be so easy for the band and orchestra to play the new anthem because it would simply be one note over and over again. This anthem instills a sense of pride in the average American, and is really what the founding fathers wanted. Andrew Jackson wanted the common man to chant USA for 2 and a half minutes, Thomas Jefferson wanted his self-sufficient farmer to chant USA for 2 and a half mintues. If you're a true American, you'll sign this petition, and chant USA for 2 and a half minutes. Thank you for your time.