Tattoo artists NEED to be properly represented regarding the Upcoming Tattoo Artist License
We as tattoo artists NEED to be fully represented and the public NEEDS to be informed properly about a tattoo artists abilities and cleanliness. If tattooing is a self regulated industry, then tattoo artists will be more inclined to know about proper tattoo procedures where the public health is concerned, verses a government official that has no experience in the field of tattooing.
This is more than a job for us, and this new bill will be restricting us as artists. If we are mis-represented, the industry in CT will severelysuffer. There will be no one with actual experience in tattooing involved in the passing of this bill, or making rules for tattooing from here on out. This bill goes past the "simple" health codes already established and enforced by local connecticut health departments.
If nothing is done, there will be a new law for tattooers, making it necessary to hold a license as of July 1st 2014. THERE IS STILL TIME TO ACT BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT DICTATES OUR INDUSTRY! This law isn't just passing to keep things "clean." PLEASE read the entire document that I attached. This is one of the many versions that went up for finalization without any tattoo artists behind it. There are MANY things that will be "pinned" against us as tattooers once licensed. (Such as section 4- Disciplinary Action)
With this being stated if some of us can come together to form a board then we can change the way that this is going to happen. For far too long, tattooers have flown solo. This is our chance to come together to help our industry in Connecticut and have the voices of tattoo artists heard.
Please pass this info and petition along to every tattoo artist and tattooed person or future tattooed person that you know!
For updates on this issue please visit our page:
Please visit the older version bill: (these issues can arise in the future once this bill is passed)
SEARCH; TATTOO (all the way towards the bottom look for the highlighted section)