Dear President Elect Donald Trump - An Environmental Request from the American People
Congratulations on your victory!
People across the Earth of all ages, races, and political leanings are counting on you to make significant and badly needed changes.
You are indeed one of the planet's most famous builders. Right now you have an opportunity to build the most indelible imprint upon the world, in the history of mankind.
Considering the skill that you possess - and now that you will be the leader of the free world, we implore you to incorporate your talent and power to combat climate change.
This is not a partisan request. This is a request from American Citizens and Citizens of this Earth.
Millions of people face the reality of increased danger from drought, ocean acidification, tornadoes, and devastating hurricanes. The list of perils is long and keeping us safe requires serious action now.
We are frightened, and for good reason. These catastrophes are unprecedented and are getting worse exponentially by every scientific measure. We need hope.
We sincerely believe that if you were to put your heart and soul into making the USA the world leader in battling climate change - that you, Donald J. Trump, have the power to make the Earth a safer place for all of us.
The choice is yours to make the USA the world leader in this inevitable new industry. We need a builder! Other countries are clamoring to get there first. If you choose to lead from the front - you'll create thousands of badly needed new jobs right here in America, right now.
Please dare to be the leader that makes this happen for all of us.
Across Earth - this pivot in your proposed policy will endear you to many millions of supporters, immediately.
No world leader has ever had such a tremendous global opportunity at such a critical point in time.
We can't imagine a better legacy for any president.
We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your actions.