Opposing under 25 ENIHL age restriction.

This petition is for those opposed to the recent plans which are to introduce an age registration of 25 years on the ENIHL. As part of a restructure of 'development' hockey the EIHA proposes to limit each club in the ENIHL to a maximum of five over 25 players to be iced next season. This number is then set to fall by one each year until there are no exceptions in the 2012/2013 season. In tandem with the introduction of new rules preventing some younger players playing senior hockey this is surely to the detriment of the ENIHL. Many clubs in the existing setup are reliant on senior players to provide a competitive roster. The introduction of the new ruling would certainly see a drop in standards and inevitably a drop in attendances at many if not all sides currently in the league. It is our view that this ruling is poorly thought out and would severely damage what was becoming a stronger and far more competitive league. Experienced seniors are not only key in helping keep the standards of the game high but also to aid the development of the younger players in the game. For fans, younger players who need the assistance of older more experienced seniors and senior players who will now be left stranded and out of the game this proposed ruling is far from acceptable.