Gulf Harbors Property Owners oppose Pasco County’s purchase of the Gulf Harbors Golf Course and Legislation of an Assessment Afterwards

I oppose Pasco County’s purchase of the Gulf Harbors Golf Course property and enacting legislation, and the implementation of, a non-ad valorem assessment upon Gulf Harbors property owners after such said purchase is completed. The non-ad valorem assessment Pasco County intends to levy on the Gulf Harbors property owners, after Pasco County has purchased the said property, has been made known by Pasco County Commissioners to be an MSBU for the purchase costs, improvements, maintenance, and permitted uses of the same said property.
I oppose this purchase and any legislation of an assessment afterwards because we, the property owners who would be assessed, will have no control or rights over the purchased property, including, but not limited to, how the property will be used, improved, permitted, and maintained, yet we will be assessed for the same, as well as being assessed for half of the county’s agreed to purchase price. I also oppose any levy for a non-ad valorem assessment, through an MSBU, that does not have a cap on the assessment, does not give those being assessed a voice and veto power on what is to be done with the property, and one that does not require a vote of approval by the Gulf Harbors property owners being assessed for the intended MSBU.
It would behoove the County Commissioners to actually work with the entire community on this issue, not just a few, and understand the reasons why we are opposed, in addition to working directly with the property owners whose properties abut the Gulf Harbors Golf Course, as their properties will be directly impacted economically, socially, and possibly environmentally. The County may just find that by doing so, all parties involved could come to a mutually agreed upon opportunity; one that we the property owners of Gulf Harbors would actually find of benefit and value.
Signed by the property owners of Gulf Harbors Community and other concerned Pasco County residents.(This is a free petition! No donations are needed or required!!)