Bring Metal Gear Solid Legacy Edition to PC
Credit to Steam User Reverend Recoil
Ok, I'm gonna keep this as short as possible. For a good while now the Metal Gear series has been mostly absent on PC in comparison to console. Console gamers (and those with handhelds) are not the only ones who enjoy the series, and there has been an uproar of PC gamers already who have been hoping for Konami to bring it's proper MGS collection to PC. We've already had a couple ports in the past of the original Metal Gear Solid as well as MGS2: Sons of Liberty to PC, but they have aged poorly in comparison to the collections more recently released on consoles in HD.
Put simply, what many PC gamers want is The Legacy Collection released on PC.
I'm sure there's already petitions online somewhere supporting this very idea, if you'd like to sign them then more power to you, go for it. I'm posting this thread here on Steam because Steam is a major platform for PC gaming, if a future PC release for a franchise is going to hit the market, it's going to sell on Steam. We have developers and representatives lurking the discussions on a daily basis. Now we even have threads stickied on this board by the development team bringing the PC version of MGS5:TPP asking for feedback PRIOR to release. That's good business IMO. Does this team have the pull to bring The Legacy Collection to PC? Probably not, and I read that it's not their main focus at the moment, but who knows in the future?
What I'm trying to get across here is that if you want something, then show your support for it. People are watching, reading, and it doesn't hurt to get it out there.
If you're a PC gamer out there who supports the idea of Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection on PC leave a post with a "+"
Credit to Steam User Reverend Recoil