Where is the ASU Campus in Payson, AZ?
Penny Norman 0

Where is the ASU Campus in Payson, AZ?

85 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Penny Norman 0 Comments
85 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Was a deciding factor in your purchase of land or a home in or around Payson the expectation of increased property values or the foreseen ability to generate income from rental properties due to the promises of a 4 year university coming to Payson? Was this claim reenforced by hundreds of news stories in the Payson Roundup claiming ASU was building a campus in Payson? Did the naming of a street "University Way" and the beautiful sign erected on the property help to solidify your belief in these promises? Real estate signs claiming "near ASU Campus" stand to this day on adjacent properties for sale.

You're not alone, it is estimated that 85% of property bought in the last 12 years was purchased under these false pretenses. There are over 1,100 referenced articles on the Payson Roundup's website about ASU coming to Payson in the near future. The Rim Country Educational Alliance, SLE's is still making claims a university will be built on the 253 acres they acquired in 2015.

This document: http://savepaysonaz.com/data/documents/ASU-letter-11515-.pdf, dated Nov. 5th, 2015 reveals the TRUTH, and puts an end to any further false implications coming directly from the office of President of ASU, Michael Crow. The letter refers to the establishment of a campus here in Payson, and Richard Stanley states, "...we have made NO commitments and NO commitments have been made to us and the discussions to date HAVE NOT PROGRESSED TO FORMAL NEGOTIATIONS."

If you purchased property in Payson because you believed a university was coming according to what was written in the Roundup, the University Way, and the big sign to be true, then there may something you can do about it.

Please sign our petition showing support for a Class Action Lawsuit against the RCEA, SLE and ALL affiliates. For your protection, it is our pledge all names on this petition shall remain confidential, and will not be released to the public without your written consent. This petition is going to be used to solicit legal advise, and hire an attorney willing to take the case. Please affix your name, signature and email address so that we may contact you about further progress in the case.

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