Do not approve local law to exempt new home buyers of new homes
The Ramapo Town Board is considering the adoption of a new local law that would create a new class of property exemptions for new home buyers but only for newly developed homes in Ramapo.
This type of law that is allowed by the state of New York and is a tool for municipalities to attract new development and in turn to attract new homeowners to invest in the Town.
The primary area for new development is the unincorporated areas of Ramapo where there is already tremendous demand.
Ramapo does not suffer from lack of developer interest or any lack of new buyer interest in new homes in Ramapo. There is simply no justification for this new local law other than to provide a wholly unnecessary financial gift to the developers of new homes and their buyers.
The Town of Ramapo is fiscally strained and simply cannot afford to approve a local law that will lead to an unjustifiable loss of property tax revenue.
I am a taxpayer of the Town of Ramapo and I oppose the Town Board approving this new proposed law and oppose the holding the public hearing during the height of the vacation period for the taxpayers of Ramapo.