Remove Thin Blue Line decals from SPD vehicles and other apparel while on duty.
The Thin Blue Line has a long history in law enforcement, has meant many things, and is viewed many different ways by different people. Standing behind a symbol that traditionally marginalized groups in your community have expressed symbolizes the mentality that allowed their oppression to be perpetuated is harmful to the communities our officers are sworn to protect and serve. As such, it has no place being displayed by on duty officers or adorning taxpayer purchased police cruisers or on any other municipally owned property and should be promptly removed and apparel disallowed while on duty or in uniform if there is any sincerity to requests for better cooperation with the communities they are sworn to protect and serve.
Comments will be read at an upcoming meeting with SPD and shared with the city council, please leave a few words as to why you feel the symbol should be removed. Thank you.