Say No To Same "Sex Marriage" Authorization in AXA Constitution
Petition in Defense of the Sanctity & Sanity of Marriage
Anguilla Evangelical Association & Anguilla Christian Council
We the undersigned believe that the Constitution of Anguilla should clearly state that "every man and woman of marriageable age has the right to marry one person of the opposite biological sex".
We firmly oppose any wording such as “every man and woman of marriageable age (as determined by or under any law) has a right to marry and to found a family in accordance with laws enacted by the Legislature”.
We also oppose the enactment of civil unions and the inclusion of the term “sexual orientation” that saturates the constitution amendment draft. We see as profoundly suspect terms such as "related rights” and “privacy and family life", because, being vague and undefined, these terms were quite recently strategically exploited in Belize and Trinidad & Tobago by LGBTQ activists. Caleb Orozco v AG of Belize, 10 August 2016; Jason Jones v AG of Trinidad & Tobago, 12 April 2018.
Our opposition is compelled by the following realities:
- The unchanging truth of God's word, the basis on which all moral laws have been founded, unequivocally states that marriage is between a man and a woman. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24. Any deviation from this Divine directive will inevitably impede and distort the natural order of God's plan for procreation, in which the family functions as the basic unit of civilization. Marriage is God’s idea, purpose and plan, and therefore is defined by Him, not man.
- The clear verdict of science that essentially states that persons are "not born gay” "There is no single gay gene, and a genetic test for if you're going to have a same-sex relationship is not going to work.” "It's effectively impossible to predict an individual's sexual behaviour from their genome." David Curtis, honorary professor at the UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, said: "This study clearly shows that there is no such thing as a 'gay gene'..."There is no genetic variant in the population which has any substantial effect on sexual orientation.” BBC 29 August, 2019. This fact has now been admitted to by prominent lgbtq activists, who instead insist it's their choice" and therefore their "right. Science/Nature rebukes homosexuality by the very fact that anal sex is "30 times riskier than vaginal sex” (WebMD), and it often leads to incontinence.
- The grim reality that accepting civil unions or "gay marriage” legitimizes any and every other "choice" or "right". Half-brothers or half-sisters can marry in Sweden; since June, 2020, 20 or more people in a polyamorous relationship in Somerville, Massachusetts, can enter into a civil union and, in time, “marry”. This absurdity is the evitable result of legalizing “gay marriage". The proposed amendment does not specify that marriage must be between two persons of the opposite sex, nor does it specify nor limit the number of persons who can be married to each other, and this is disturbing. We cannot but regard these proposed amendments as an assault on Anguilla's cultural values that include decency and sanity.
- The assault on fundamental human rights in developed nations" where changes in the constitution in favour of LGBTQ activism inevitably lead to: loss of parental rights through the forced indoctrination (this includes graphic lessons on masturbation, rimming, etc.,) of our children as young as five in our schools; careers, promotions and income being jeopardized if persons are accused of not actively promoting lgbtq agendas; and the victimization of girls and women as men are allowed to compete in female sporting events.
- Studies have shown that the vast majority of persons in the LGBTQI community was victimized/traumatized in their early years (WebMD). They need the respect, understanding and compassion of society that will assist them in finding healing, not laws that will exacerbate the wounds of our brothers and sisters and ennoble the perpetrators.