Power Canal Fence Support

We, the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie and beyond, petition the Cloverland Electric Cooperative Board of Directors to fund and construct a new, aesthetically-pleasing fence along the Power Canal, in conjunction with the construction of the Power Canal Trail.
The Power Canal is an underutilized waterfront in Sault Ste. Marie, and its development, in terms of walkability and aesthetics, would help to drive progress in Michigan’s First City. The Power Canal Trail is a positive, low-impact development that brings with it multiple positive outcomes, including walkability, community development, economic development, and placemaking. By leaving the current fence along the Power Canal, we fear that the Trail may not live up to its potential, and, in turn, not drive the progress that Sault Ste. Marie is yearning for.
We therefore urge the Cloverland Electric Cooperative Board of Directors to fund and construct a new fence along the Power Canal and Trail. In doing so, the full potential of this project may be realized, and future generations may enjoy our waterfronts to their fullest extent.