Redesign or Stop the 19-Home Development on Mulholland and San Feliciano!
Carlos Duque 0

Redesign or Stop the 19-Home Development on Mulholland and San Feliciano!

755 signers. Add your name now!
Carlos Duque 0 Comments
755 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We need to tell our City of Los Angeles representatives the current plan for 19 homes in Woodland Hills is not compatible with or beneficial to our community and should be redesigned or stopped. Save Oak Savanna asks that you, our neighbors and supporters, sign this petition opposing the 19-home development as approved.

The new public hearing on April 23, 2020, is being denied us by the South Valley Area Planning Commission, siting a technicality claimed by the developer related to the postponement of the original hearing because of the Covid19 Pandemic. This petition shall serve as a representation, not only of those who wanted a hearing, but who oppose this project as approved.

As a reminder, here are the points that remain of concern to our neighborhood:

  • 19 tightly packed two-story houses inserted into a one-story, low density built neighborhood in violation of the Community Plan and Specific Plan
  • Too many protected Heritage Coast Live Oak trees being removed in violation of the Protected Tree Ordinance and the Specific Plan
  • Seven highly-visible oversized retaining walls up to 11.5’ high and up to 200’ long requiring deviation from the City Code by the Zoning Administrator
  • Extensive, landscape-changing grading of 60,000 cubic yards requiring 1,600 dumptrucks full of imported soil
  • Dangerous new street location on San Feliciano Drive hill
  • Disruption of wildlife refuge & transit link to nearby Santa Monica Mountains
  • No prior review by the Design Review Board of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan as required by law, at the western entrance to the historic Mulholland Scenic Parkway
  • Lack of a viable, less intrusive, less dense alternative plan by the developer as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

We are not against the development of this private property. Any development must follow the rules and regulations of the City of Los Angeles' General Plan, Community Plan, and Specific Plan of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway. In doing so it will force compatibility with the immediate neighborhood, keep the Heritage Coast Live Oaks from being needlessly killed or endangered, and retain the wild open spaces that have become a respite for multitude species of wildlife and a Woodland Hills landmark.

Please forward this petition to your neighbors and interested parties. If you aren't on our confidential email list and would like to be added, send a request to so we can keep you up to date. Intended recipients of this petition are South Valley Area Planning Commission, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, and Mayor Eric Garcetti.

If you are in favor of the development or disagree with any of our concerns, please email us to initiate a discussion at

Please use your first and last name when you sign. Your email address and zip code will be kept confidential. Your comments are encouraged!

For more information and updates or to make a tax deductible donation, visit Be aware, any donations made from the iPetition site will go to the petition company, not S.O.S.!

Be Safe! Be Well! THANK YOU for your continued support!

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