Make the Vet's Park Neighborhood Safer

Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Petition
We have a traffic congestion and public safety problem in our neighborhood that will only get worse in the coming months. We need City Council to take action now!
Background: The Veteran’s Park neighborhood is home to 4 of the 7 Culver City schools (and the Office of Child Development) with over 4,500 students traveling to/from the area everyday. Our neighborhood is quite lively with a great mix of students and residents walking, biking, jogging, walking dogs, riding scooters, etc. Unfortunately, Braddock has also become a major thoroughfare due to an increase in local businesses, population density, and smart apps. This has made our neighborhood more congested and dangerous for those who live here and the students who come to school.
There was a 10-day period in October 2018 during which time there were 4 car accidents at Braddock/Elenda alone, all during times that the crossing guard was on duty and when children were present. There have been far too many accidents and countless near misses that go unreported – this needs to stop!
Our neighborhood is dangerous today, but with the Culver Boulevard Realignment Project commencing in a matter of weeks and the additional traffic that will come with added jobs downtown, it is about to get a lot worse.
We need to motivate City Council to take steps NOW to improve safety in our neighborhood and protect our neighbors. Please sign this petition to ensure our voices are heard!
Purpose: The purpose of this petition is to demonstrate that there is significant neighborhood support behind making changes NOW to improve safety by changing traffic patterns through the neighborhood.
Objective: The main objective is to encourage City Council to take action by implementing items from the following list of suggestions below and perform a more comprehensive traffic study for more extensive improvements to eliminate the cut-through traffic. WE NEED SUPPORT!
Some suggestions for City Council to explore are listed below:
- Curb extensions at Braddock and Elenda
- Brightly painted crosswalks along Braddock
- Blinking stop signs (flashing beacon) with call button at Braddock and Elenda
- Stop signs on Elenda and Huron at the intersections of Barman, Lindblade, and Wagner to mirror the rest of the neighborhood
- Increase the number of school zone signs
- More speed humps (all blocks of Braddock and possibly other streets)
- Change the timing of the street lights to make it less attractive as a cut-through
- Consider forced right turns and making certain streets cul-de-sacs to reduce cut-through traffic