Save WKU Track and Field
Due to extreme budget crisis at WKU, Athletic Director Todd Stewart has announced to WKU Track and Field coaching staff, that the program may be cut by 50%. Cutting a program in half that has such a positive impact on so many student athletes is not the answer to this problem. Especially when the history of this program runs as deep as the university itself and has produced many professionals and world athletes still competing today. Not to mention WKU Track and Field has had 104 appearances at the NCAA Finals, with 57 All-American selections solely under our present Head Coach Erik Jenkins. Cutting this program's operating budget in half would do more than impair student- athlete's primary reasons also the opportunity to compete on a national caliber. The funds collected will go towards student's tuition, books, meals, housing, equipment and travel for in season events. In order for this track program to continue its existence at least to its same competitive level, we need immediate assistance from supporters; so our deadline will end July 1, 2016, which is the day the new budget will go into effect. WKU Track and Field has worked extremely hard to be the team that they are today, and the only team at Western with 60 Conference titles within the past 36 years. Our team is more than an athletic program; we are a family. A family with two dreams, to graduate and to win. Please show your support to WKU Track and Field Program and help save the education and competitive spirit at Western Kentucky University.
Also please show support and spread this using our hashtags
#WKUTF1Team2Dreams and #SaveWKUTrackAndField
If you have anymore questions please read this article:
Please contact our Athletic Director
Subject Line: WKU Track and Field: One Team, Two Dreams
Link to Go Fund Me: