A Call for Fair Pay
Haida teachers have been put in a precarious position due to COVID19 and the resulting proposed salary figures for the period between February 17 and the start of physical classes.
Many of us will simply be unable to afford being in China based off of what Haida is suggesting to pay. To those of us who have not been given the option of conducting online classes, Haida has said that we will not receive anything besides a small basic salary and a similarly sized housing allowance.
As the Haida staff know, living in Shenzhen is not cheap. Taking into account that many of us are paying off loans and/or sending money back home to relatives in need, it is pretty clear that the money Haida is offering us is simply not enough. This comes at a time when many of us are stuck in foreign countries due to flight cancellations and now face exorbitant costs of last minute flight rerouting through countries where flights to China are still allowed.
As if this were not enough, some of us are facing emotional pleas from our families to return home. The virus is, with good reason, causing fear and a significant amount of risk to all of us who plan to return to China to continue working for Haida.
To this end, we simply ask that Haida be compassionate and fair by paying us our basic salary, housing allowance, and a 100% lecture remuneration for the period extending from the 17th of February to the day that physical classes start.
Teachers of Haida, the management of Haida are under the impression that there are only a couple of 'trouble-making' teachers who feel this way.
Please add your signatures to help yourself and show them that this is a group feeling!