屯門湖山草地滾球場, 經香港草地滾總會量度后, 早于兩年前, 証實可提供 6 條球道出租, 但一直只提供其中 4 條球道出租, 此為規劃失當.亦屬浪費公共資源. 屯門康樂及文化事務署推搪其預訂場地的電腦系統未能更新, 此為辦事不力. 過去兩年, 本會聯賽可盡用 6 條球道, 此舉實大力推動本區草地滾球運動, 參與球員由不足 40 人急增至今不少于 120 人. 況且今季球賽已展開 2 星期了, 忽然急停此一德政, 兼且 屯門康樂及文化事務署 已接納本會全球季之預訂, 租金亦收妥, 而今出爾反爾, 違反承諾, 毫無誠信, 此為扼殺本區草地滾球運動. 事關重大, 本會未來發展受到嚴重威脅, 請各會員留意事態發展, 支持會方的行動. Re: Urgent - A complaint from Tuen Mun Lawn Bowling Club about the break of promise Please offer us a helping hand. We are deeply regret that Tuen Mun District Leisure Services Office broke the promise to allow our club to use 6 rinks on League Games held by the Hong Kong Lawn Bowling Association at Wu Shan Bowling Green from May 12, 2012. We think we have solid ground to file this compliant to the Office of The Ombudsman. First of all, HKLBA proposed this arrangement of practice and your office also agreed basing on the promotion of this sport in Tuen Mun and this ran smoothly over the last several league seasons. Secondly, upon this arrangement, number of lawn bowling players in TM jumps sharply from around 40 up to this momnent over 120 players. A definitely good practice to promote this game in our district. Thirdly, the greens booking procedure has already accepted by Tuen Mun District Leisure Services Office and we have already paid all the rental fees for the whole seasons including many re-arranged games that were settled with many other HKLBA clubs. Forthly, Tuen Mun District Leisure Services Office already allowed us to play 2 weekend league games, this means that our mutual agreement (same as last season) should be valid up to now. So this sudden rejection of use of 6 rinks from the coming Saturday is without any sound reasons. This rejection certainly violates the mission of your office. Please consider to allow our club to use 6 rinks only when playing Leagues games as usual at least till the end of THIS league season. Please urge the LSCD to upgrade the "computer / booking" system, to FULLY untilise the 6 Rinks of the Wu Shan Bowling Green. Don't let them kill the development of Lawn Bowling activities in TM. Thanks for your kind consideration. Yours faithfully, Leo LI Convenor of Tuen Mun Lawn Bowling Club. (Contact phone: 9323-2163)