A Green Freedom Park For Maribyrnong
Geoff Fox 0

A Green Freedom Park For Maribyrnong

47 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Geoff Fox 0 Comments
47 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The 127 hectare Defence Department Explosives Factory Site in Maribyrnong should be a National Park.

We request that the federal government and all national political leaders publicly discuss this proposal.

The use of all this land for private property development would ignore the common good and restrict the benefits of the land to only a few.

The contamination of the land would be best addressed by disinterested parties who put the environment and public health and safety before profit.

This is a site of great historical, social, military heritage and environmental significance.

It must not be lost.

This petition asks the leaders of Australia: Do you want to save the 127 hectares of the explosives factory Maribyrnong to be a National Park?

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