A Petition for NO Property Tax increase in Franklin County
We, concerned citizens, sign this petition in an effort to implore the Franklin County Commissioners to support NO increase in property tax in Franklin County. Franklin County currently has one of the highest tax rates in the State of North Carolina and it is our belief that further increases would place an undue burden on our the current families of Franklin County.
The proposed 13.8% Property Tax Increase would raise taxes on the average Franklin County home (valued at $180,529) by $216/year.
The proposed Franklin County tax increase is 600% higher than the annual rate of growth for the US Economy.
In addition to signing the Petition, Petitioners are asked to contact Commissioners directly and attend public meetings on May 27th at 4PM and June 1st at 7PM.
sdunston@franklincountync.us; cjones@franklincountync.us; jmay@franklincountync.us; dbunn@franklincountync.us; harryfoy@bellsouth.net; esmitchell@franklincountync.us
District 1
Sidney E. Dunston, Chair
1495 E. River Rd.
Louisburg, NC 27549
(919) 496-7855
District 2
Cedric K. Jones, Sr.
482 Phelps Road
Franklinton, NC 27525
(919) 496-3626
District 3
Epsom- Centerville
John M. May
273 Dorsey Road
Louisburg, NC 27549
(919) 853-2449
District 4
Bunn, Pilot
David Bunn
40 Bunn Farm Rd
Zebulon, NC 27597
(919) 495-5017 (cell)
District 5
Don Lancaster
75 Remington Court
Youngsville, NC 27596
(919) 556-6577
(919) 495-1711 (cell)
District 6
At - Large
Harry L. Foy, Jr.
P.O. Box 1270
Spring Hope, NC 27882
(919) 269-0299
District 7
At - Large
Shane Mitchell, Vice Chair
650 John Sandling Rd
Franklinton, NC 27525
(919) 494-1041