A Scout Is Morally Straight
Scouters, friends & family,
Please help STOP the Grand Canyon Council from going forth on an adult leader training titled "LGBTQ+ Awareness Training" put on by One n Ten. As you may know the LGBTQ organization has no place in Scouting according to our oath " to keep myself morally straight ". Our morals are determined by our belief in God ( A Scout is Reverent / duty to god); in which whom through scripture, has commanded us " Food for the stomach and the stomach for food - But God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Corinthians 6:13).
By signing this petition, you are helping other volunteer leaders who want to conserve the values intended upon us by our Scouting founders. Homosexuality or any type sexuality awareness from the LGBTQ perspective has NO place in Scouting.
Please help stop this madness scheduled for Wednesday September 16th, at 6:00 pm, via Zoom.