A vote of no confidence
We the people of Stocksbridge propose a vote of 'no confidence' in the following town and city councillors: 1. Cllr Suzy Abrahams,( Labour ) Stocksbridge Mayor and Town Councilor 2. Cllr Richard Crowther (Labour) City Councilor 3. Cllr Philip Wood (Labour) Stocksbridge Stocksbridge Town and Sheffield City Councillor. 4. Cllr Paul Jagger (Labour) Stocksbridge Town Councillor. The people of Stocksbridge have no confidence that the above Councillors are acting in the interests of the people of Stocksbridge. This was demonstrated by the actions of Cllrs Wood and Crowther in voting for the closure of Stocksbridge Leisure Centre on Wednesday 6th February 2013. Also displayed by the actions of Cllr Jagger in refusing to divulge information pertaining to the closure of the facilities and displayed by the actions of Cllr and Mayor Abraham's in her decision not to divulge information made available to her via the City Council prior to Christmas 2012. Timely disclosure of this information would have given the people of Stocksbridge time to form a community led alternative to the closure of the facilities. We the people of Stocksbridge therefore respectfully request that Cllrs Crowther, Woods, Jagger and Abrhams step down from office with immediate effect and that they make available to the public any and all information that they have pertaining to the closure of the leisure centre.