Pedestrian Crossing A84 Doune
The A84 is one of the most notorious roads in Scotland. Just type A84 into Google and the very first hit that you get declares that "The A84 between M9 Junction 10 and Lochearnhead has a poor road safety record, according to EuroRAP. In its June 2008 GB Tracking Results, the Road Safety Foundation reported that the 44 km single carriageway stretch featured 29 fatal and serious injury accidents between 2003 and 2005". Recently due to staff shortages, Stirling Council has lost its school traffic crossing helper at the Woods of Doune, A84. As the road is so dangerous it is impertative that pedestrians can have a means of crossing this road safely. The most obvious course of action would be the installation of a pedestrian crossing. We therefore petition for there to be a pedestrian crossing installed at the Woods of Doune, A84.