Civil Rights for Appalachian-Americans

Petition Requesting Non-Discriminatory, Equal Rights & Amnesty For Appalachian-Americans Isn’t it time that West Virginians be given the same respect as other Americans, We’ve been here long enough. We have long been mistreated, been the subject of demeaning jokes, and belittled because We are Appalachian-Americans. How many times have you heard those “RN” words=Rednecks brutally applied. It is time for all Appalachians to be given Amnesty, Equal Rights, Respect and Dignity. Isn\'t it time We get hyphenated! I am proposing that Appalachian-Americans be guaranteed all the same privileges and benefits as those provided by Immigration Reform bill. It‘s time to do something about that “forgotten minority.\" In fact I suggest that We are a bonefide minority. The total population of West Virginia, based on the 2000 census is 1,808,344. If you add Kentucky and Tennessee the total is 11,539,396. That makes Appalachian- Americans a smaller group than the 12,000,000 illegal aliens. In fact 12,000,000 illegal aliens is not small figure. It would be the seventh largest state in the country. And ironically, larger in population than the 12 smallest states.(11,485,000) Some people are worried that amnesty will give illegal aliens the same rights that American citizens have. In reality, it will give the illegals more rights than the average American citizen. And that is much greater benefits than the little known and misunderstood minority; the “Appalachian-American.” Since most of the illegals are Mexican, that makes them a minority. Under affirmative action, combined with amnesty, they would have preferences in jobs and other benefits. Those who set up their own businesses would be entitled to preferences in getting government contracts. Their children would be able to get into college ahead of the children of American citizens with better academic qualifications. Illegals who graduate from a high school in California can already attend the University of California, paying lower tuition that an American citizen from West Virginia, Kentucky, or Tennessee. Under the supposedly \"tough\" immigration bill in the U.S. Senate, illegals don\'t have to pay all the back taxes they owe. An American citizen gets no such break from the government and can end up in federal prison, like Al Capone. If an American citizen gets stopped by the police for a traffic violation and the cops discover that he is wanted for some other violation of the law, they can arrest him for whatever else he has done. But if an illegal alien gets stopped for going through a red light and the police discover that he is in the country illegally, in many communities the cop is forbidden to arrest him for that -- or even to report him to the feds. What about the poor “Appalachian-American” who does the same thing but does not have his seat belt snapped That extra noncompliance will cost him. If an American citizen forges a Social Security card in order to get a job, he can be arrested. Under a provision recently passed by the Senate, illegal aliens who forged Social Security cards not only get a pass, they get to collect Social Security benefits. What the immigration bill in the Senate has become is just another attempt to pander to another special interest, in disregard of how that affects the country as a whole, including Appalachian-Americans. Much is made of the fact that there are supposedly 12 million illegals in the country already. That’s more than three times the population of West Virginia. We are a smaller group than the illegal aliens. Surely we are a minority. Do we want 20 million or 30 million more illegal aliens in the future Do we want to change the very composition of the American population and with it the values of the country Do We want the values of MS13 There was a time when immigrants came here to become Americans. Many of them became Appalachian-Americans. But there are powerful pressure groups in this country, extending far beyond the immigrant community, doing their best to keep foreigners foreign and force Americans to accommodate their foreign language and culture in the name of \"multiculturalism\" which excludes Appalachia. What about the poor “Appalachian Americans” and their fascinating culture and language. Let’s require tri-lingualism with Appalachianic the third prong. These Appalachian-Americans should be privileged above all others. We need them, because they do jobs no one else will do. They mine coal. Amnesty for Appalachian-Americans Civil Rights for Appalachian-Americans Let’s put the Amnesty issue into context 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens In the U.S. This exceeds the total population of Appalachia West Virginia 1,808,344 (37th) Kentucky 4,041,769 (25th) Tennessee 5,689,283 (16th) Total 11,539,396 * *According to states online and the 12 smallest states (11,485,000) Why should Appalachian-Americans Subsidize A Group Larger than Themselves Do We have to get hyphenated to be heard Then... Lets-Get-Hyphenated ! George Corwell Appalachian-American and Vice President of Amnesty for Appachian-Americans and the Center for Appalachian-American Awareness 10 Spring Street Wiley Ford, WV 26767 The undersigned agrees that the residents of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennesee are a genuine minority numerically, and speak a unique language, considered by some to be Appalachianic, corrupted English and, as such, should be granted all the benefits and distinctions of a minority, including the use of the hyphenated term Appalachian-American. Any other terms, names and descriptions of such inhabitants would be considered derogatory. All benefits accorded to any other socio-ethnic group should be provided to us without discrimination. Click 3rd line under links to join 1,000,000 voters for border enforcement