Reform the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

We, the undersigned, recognizing the importance of the protection of women from acts of violence, agree that there are numerous unintended consequences in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Further, we object to the absence of gender neutrality both in the language of the Act and in the delivery of services. We call for the language of the Act to reflect the need for culturally-sensitive services and programs. Additionally, we request that VAWA-funded programs and services be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. We believe that VAWA encourages violations of the constitutional right to due process. We ask equal protection under the law and prosecution of such criminal acts as suborning perjury or making false allegations of domestic violence. We urge the restoration of all necessary safeguards to prevent wrongful prosecution. We request full accountability of past and present VAWA funds which have been awarded to programs. We seek full public disclosure and oversight of all financial records of VAWA-funded programs and services.