Petition of Support Abdelhafid Elidrissi

Petition of Support for Imam Elidrissi
This petition serves as support for Imam Abdelhafid Elamrani Elidrissi's request to certify and perform wedding ceremonies for the Muslim community within Fredrick County, Virginia.
WE, the undersigned, do certify that, after due inquiry, we are well assured and believe that Imam Abdelhafid Elamrani Elidrissi, serving as our religious leader loyally upholds and leads his community according to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship in compliance with the Islamic faith, and does not hold anything contrary thereto.
And, moreover, we believe Imam Abdelhafid Elamrani Elidrissi, is a person worthy to be given the rights and privileges assigned by the County and State to practice, perform, and oversee the coordination of marriage ceremonies in accordance with our religious doctrine.