Abolish Censorship and Book Banning:
Evie Rowe 0

Abolish Censorship and Book Banning:

Show your support by signing this petition now
Evie Rowe 0 Comments
4 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Censorship of the arts and book banning is unessecery. The acts in themselves violate freedom of speech and expression guranteed to US citizens by the first amendent. Art and books are censored every day for various reasons , but of all these reasons they have one thing in common, they're ridiculous. An open mind is essential to our growth as human beings and therefor as a society. This generation needs to take a stand against censorship and book banning to succeed and make a change. I ask you to sign this petition in hopes that one day we are not a muzzled generation , that we have real freedom to read, write, and view what we want without the fear of being challenged. Thank you.

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