I am currently a Business Marketing major in the Mays Business School, but hope to become a Recreational Parks and Tourism Sciences major with a concentration in Youth Development. The motivation for my decision to change majors came from self-reflection and reevaluation of what I want to do with my life, as well as assessing my passions and skills. After a second look, I realized business was not a passion. In order to reach my full potential in applying my education to everyday life, I understand I must be excited about my studies. I have found the excitement of learning and applying what I have been taught in my current RPTS classes.
My true passion is for kids and youth ministry. The last two summers, 2013 and 2014, I have worked at a Christian youth camp in Van, TX, called Sky Ranch. I can honestly say I have loved every minute of my time there. My time there was hard work, but every minute of it was rewarding. Getting to work with kids and in a youth program setting only reassured me of my passion and directed me toward a career path I had a passion for. I am planning on returning for the summer of 2015 at the site in Colorado, Ute Trail, to continue my ministry at Sky Ranch and continue to invest in the lives of youth.
In addition to Sky Ranch, I am also involved in Young Life at Texas A&M University as a leader on the Bryan High School team. I have been given the opportunity to build relationships with, and focus on the development of each individual student. It has also been an honor to get the chance to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Over the course of my college career, God has shown me that although I came in with the plan of becoming a businessman, He has instilled in me the desire to serve in youth ministry and invest in the lives of children. A degree in Recreational Parks and Tourism Sciences with a concentration in Youth Development is the first step towards following my dreams in life. Many youth minister and camp director positions require a Youth Development degree, so I am dedicated and hopeful for the opportunity to achieve one.
I am currently enrolled in RPTS 370 and RPTS 201, which I have enjoyed every minute of. My excitement and love for the classes have only affirmed in me my passion for this major. I have also taken the beginning steps towards changing majors, as I have once before applied and appealed for Summer 2014, and once again, applied this fall. I understand that the biggest reason I have been denied is my grade point average. I am currently holding a 2.2 grade point average as of the end of Spring 2014. This semester has reflected exceptionally better grades, as reflected in my mid-term grades. By taking classes toward a degree in Recreational Parks and Tourism Sciences, my interest in learning, and school overall, has increased. I have found enjoyment in studying which has had a positive effect on my grades. I am confident that my GPA will rise with the completion of this semester. I am committed to this degree and will prove that when accepted in to the Recreation Parks and Tourism Sciences major.
Thank you for your time in reviewing my application. I hope I have expressed myself clearly and to your satisfaction. I would be extremely humbled and honored if accepted to Recreation Parks and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University.