![ACS Exam Replacement](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/22.webp)
ACS Exam Replacement
Hey guys! So for the last few years the ACS exam has been used to REPLACE one of the three exams, on top of the Final Exam replacement for one section. Also, for Chemistry off semester, they also get the ACS Exam to replace one of their 3 exams. For this current semester (Chem 2), the ACS will only average out our final exam grade. For our year (on semester chem), it was changed. An exam replacement would definitely be more beneficial. Also, when we all decide to apply to whatever grad school we like, it will not be as consistent or fair when our grades are compared to other students in Rutgers who took chem, just a semester before or after us. I don't think the inconsistency is fair at all, and I believe we should all let the Chem Chair know, and see if there is a possibility of changing this. Thank you so much guys!