Euro style number plates for Canberra

We, the undersigned residents of the ACT, would like Road User Services to offer \"Euro style\" number plates in the ACT, similar to those available in NSW, Victoria and Queensland. If you agree with the above statement please fill in the form below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may also choose to send your feedback to the ACT Government\'s Road User Services section: E rus@act.gov.au T 02 6207 7000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***PLEASE NOTE*** Only your name and comments will be seen on the list of signatures. Once you have completed the form below you will be presented with a screen seeking donations for the upkeep of this FREE petition website. It is NOT compulsory for you to make a donation. Your details will have already been registered, free of charge. Don\'t forget to click on the \"tell others\" tab at the top of the page. Thank you for your support.