Acupuncture Pan-Canadian Spring exam
The collective concern of students, recent graduates and individuals not grandfathered into the regulatory Colleges of TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists across Canada is the limited time allotted for writing the Pan-Canadian exams. Currently the exam is ONLY offered in the winter season (Oct/Jan). Students graduating in the spring of 2015 will have to wait fourteen months before they can write and then practice their skills, interrupting the transition from student to professional practitioner. For individuals who have failed their first exam they must wait another twelve months to rewrite, keeping them from practicing acupuncture. This delay impedes their ability to earn a living and may mean a loss of potential revenue.
Please sign this petition in support of asking the College to release a Spring/Summer exam which would allow more qualified acupuncturists into the workforce, benefiting our alternative health community and overall economy.