Add Epsilon-4 into Nine-Tailed Fox Mod

MTF Epsilon-4 ("The British Revolutionaries")
Old Task Force Mission: MTF E-4 is a task force dedicated to searching SCP-1678 ("UnLondon") for hostile threats or survivors who accidently entered SCP-1678, and deal with the containment of SCP-049 and termination of any instances of SCP-049-2. Epsilon-4 will help other task forces (Such as Tau-4 and Epsilon-6) establish a defensive perimeter around SCP-1678. They may launch an attack on the Natural History Museum when ready. Only British units that came from London or England that have already been in a Task Force before are accepted into Epsilon-4, the colonies of the once British Empire are not allowed to join. Epsilon-4 was formed to help Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 build a defensive perimeter around SCP-1678 and terminate or contain any SCP-1678-A's that charge at them.
E-4 assists in containment of:
New Task Force Mission: MTF E-4 must now attempt to make civilisation in Undublin prior to the SCP-001 event, and assist any other task forces defending Undublin from any SCP-001 instances that make it, who shall assist with SCP-1678-A, B and C if they are cooperative with working together. Any survivors of the SCP-001 event who make it to Undublin shall be given necessary resources to make sure that civilisation may be rebuilt again, after the SCP-001 event caused [REDACTED] casulties. If any instances of SCP-1678-A, B or C refuse to cooperate will and shall be terminated as to prevent civilisation ending.
E-4 assists in working with: