Petition against funding cuts
We the undersigned petition against the proposed £60m of cuts in the coming 12 months including ending funding for youth services. Essential clubs, such as young carers and social clubs for children with a range of disabilities are at risk of being closed in the funding cuts. These clubs offer a great service such as support for young carers whose lives can be difficult and stressful, without such support carers will not have the support and help to manage with the daily struggles they face. Clubs for those with special needs are also at risk, this cannot be tolerated. Often these clubs are the only socialisation these children have in a world that is often scary and confusing in a place they are not judged or ridiculed. To allow the funding to be cut and in doing so the termination of these youth services will have a detrimental affect on the lives of many youngsters and their families who depend on them. It is imperative for the social and emotional wellbeing of many youngsters that these clubs continue to be funded and the support, care and breaks away are not removed where in doing so many youngsters will only end up feeling more isolated in society.