"Im Against Shark Finning" What about you?
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Shark? Is it Panic that hits you? Fear? Or what about Sorrow? Ever stop and think of feeling sorry for these creatures. Probably not because most of you are running and fear and thinking. "Why should i feel sorry for a monster that would hurt us?" Of course your partly right sharks do hurt us, but think of how much we have done to them. We make jewelry of their teeth. "So what they grow back more". We cut their fins off to make Fin Soup. "Well". We take their jaws for tourist souvenirs. "Um". The list goes on and on. The fact is WE DO IT. "Well i think its a sport!" Shark Finning is not a "Sport" A sport is when both teams know there in the game. "Im Against Shark Finning" What about you?