A Call to Our Elected Officials: Liberty. Justice. For All.
We, the Alliance for Interracial Dignity, are committed to building a socially just community by learning from our collective past and challenging the racial status quo. Socially just communities are only possible when all people are treated with dignity and have a voice. We believe the strength of our communities and our nation is the diversity within.
Since the presidential election, there has been a documented emboldening of forces of oppression. We express our solidarity with people who have been and may continue to be subject to acts of intimidation, aggression, hate speech, and violence.
As an elected official, you have been endowed with a sacred trust, to act not only on behalf of the voters who elected you but all the people, young and old, residing among them. We expect bold and vocal denouncement of activities that dishonor, intimidate, or denigrate any group. It will take courage to stand up to those who amass power by spreading fear and creating division. When you do, you will have the vigorous support of the Alliance for Interracial Dignity and its members.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” We ask you to be a vocal friend, to stand with us against policies based on oppression. We, the undersigned, will not be silent. We will not be deterred in our cause:
Liberty. Justice. For All.