Allow chickens in Berryville VA
We, the citizens of Berryville, Virginia, petition the Council of Berryville to lift the ban on chicken hens.
We affirm that every residence in Berryville should not be prohibited from keeping at least 6 chicken hens. Virginia code § 3.2-6510 prohibits the selling of chicks under 2 months old in quantities less than six.
We accept that the town may have an interest in not allowing roosters.
We affirm that it is the responsibility of the owner of the chickens to care
for the chickens properly just as the owner would care for a dog, cat,
or other animal under the owner's care.
We affirm that it is the responsibility of the owner of the chickens to keep them on the owner's property.
We affirm that a permit for such a limited number of hens should not be required. A permitting process would serve no purpose but to add unnecessary bureaucracy and unnecessary work for Town staff.
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