A Declaration by the People to Abolish the State and Federal Constitutions, Governments and Laws made in pursuance thereof.
A Declaration by the People of these fifty United States of America to Alter and Abolish the State and Federal Constitutions, Governments and Laws made in pursuance thereof.
We the People do declare that we withdraw our consent to be governed and revoke all powers and authorities delegated by our State and National Constitutions so that they and all Laws made in pursuance thereof may be Altered and Abolished, allowing us to re-create the foundations of our once and potentially once again great independent States and Nation.
Much time has passed since our Country was founded in the formation of Independent States United together with a National and State Constitutions established which has enabled us to see the wide range of mistakes that were made and the resulting damage they enabled. From Government that has transgressed beyond the delegated authorities prescribed, neglected the duties for why it was created, infringed upon our individually guaranteed rights and abused us as whole for its own personal benefit, to not establishing specific safeguards for We the People such as providing individuals immediate relief for rights violated and a system providing recourse to redress for grievances independent of Government controlled by us, explicitly prescribing punishments for defined actions that harm individual rights committed by public officials which cannot be forgiven by Government, ensuring that the Government cannot keep secrets from us and conceal information that should be readily accessible to the People, setting a specific level of property rights guaranteed to every individual citizen as an equally entitled beneficiary enabling them to provide a living for themselves and specific levels of property rights which require those who have more than their share to make contributions to improve everyone's overall quality of life but also to prevent them from gaining too much power and influence they may have over any specific group of people or the People as a whole.
We should use this knowledge to the best of its benefit by knowing what worked, what didn't and the changes that we can make to rectify the deficiencies when rebuilding our governance. Once a well enough majority has decidedly agreed that this is the best course and signed on with this movement, then we shall give final notice to those who serve in Government that their service is no longer authorized or needed. I'm not looking to form any specific kind of Government with my own personal preferences; I'm looking for us all as equals to form a Government which We the People can all play a part in creating that receives our overall approval. But we must all act now, it is our right, it is our duty. The Government has become so self-destructive that it's causing such irreparable damage to itself, its stability, our civil rights, liberties and national sovereignty and draining all of our resources borrowing from foreign Governments that if we don't stop them soon, we won't have a country left to save.