American Citizens Havana Syndrome Act of 2021 vs. The United States Government Petition

- This petition is a collection of signatures belonging to American Citizens Havana Syndrome targeted individuals seeking equality. We are claimants for inclusion and equal protection under the constitution in this class action lawsuit. The legislation, Havana Syndrome Act of 2021 passed Congress unanimously authorizing financial assistance and medical care for injured individuals attacked by directed energy weapons. It authorizes the heads of the C.I.A and the State Department to make determinations as to who is covered and compensated. These individuals are employees and family members of the intelligence community. We are seeking equal protection under the laws as the constitution guarantees that no individual or group be denied this protection and we must be similarly treated as those in the intelligence community.
This is a class action lawsuit petition for Havana Syndrome forgotten individuals. All signatures are participants in this lawsuit, Havana Syndrome Act of 2021 vs. The United States Government.
Are you an American targeted individual attacked by directed energy weapons and request inclusion and equal protection under the Havana Syndrome Act of 2021? If yes, sign this petition and you will be entered into this class action lawsuit.
Please note, if you donate to this petition website, the funds go to ipetition.com company only. If you want to donate directly to this cause, Havana Syndrome Act of 2021 vs. The United State Government class action lawsuit, please contact, Ann Baker, 1706 East End Ave., Apt. 401, Chicago Heights, IL 60411. We desperately need your funding. Additionally, as sign the petition please share your comments with me. I know we are hurting, you can use this platform as an outlet. Your comments are welcome.
References and In the News,
Havana Syndrome Equality Act Petition, ipetition.com
Joint Congressional Hearings & DOJ Investigation of Microwave Assaults on U.S. Citizens, https://www.change.org/p/joe-biden-president-of-the-united-states-of-america-joint-congressional-hearings-doj-investigation-of-microwave-assaults-on-u-s-citizens
Marc Polymeropoulos, CIA, granted his first television interview to NBC's Andrea Mitchell, TODAY, assaulted with radio wave directed energy weapon (DEW): https://www.today.com/video/microwave-energy-suspected-in-mystery-illness-targeting-us-diplomat-97240133572
“Havana Syndrome symptoms in small groups most likely caused by directed energy, says U.S. Intel panel of experts” NBCNews.com National Security, February 2, 2022, Ken Dilanian, NBCNews@kendilanianNBC
“Havana Syndrome: What We Know, The Wall Street Journal, World, Byron Tau, February 22, 2022. email byron.tau@wsi.com (202) 863-1374
Most “Havana Syndrome” cases unlikely caused by Foreign Power, C.I.A. says, The New York Times, Julian E. Barnes, January 20, 2022.
Report – Havana Syndrome: American officials under attacks, Sean Power, Micheal Miner: Related Paul Kobe, Calder Walton, & Natalia Angel, November 4, 2022.
The Havana Syndrome Mystery and How the U.S. Plans to Solve It, Matt Stieb, October 13, 2021, Explainer Intelligence.
Havana Syndrome Mysteries Slowly Revealed, Hillary Chabot, February 3, 2022, News@Northeastern Hillary Chabot, News@Northeastern.edu
Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of Havana Syndrome seriously, Jean Guerrero. Angeles Times, February 24, 2022. www.latimes.com – American Journalist, jeanguerrero.com
U.S. Investigators increasingly confidant direct energy attacks behind Havana Syndrome, Andrew Desidero and Lara Seligmen. October 28, 2021.