We the People, Demand a *Clearly Defined* DEADLINE from the U.S. President on Iran
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We the people of the U.S., Israel, Christians and Jews all around the world:
Hereby declare President Barack Obama come fourth with a CLEAR and non-ambiguous timeline for WHEN he supports an Iranian Nuclear Disarmament via military intervention, either by Israel alone, by the U.S. or a joint effort by both.
President Obama has systematically displayed a split personality on this issue. For news cameras he shakes the Israeli Prime Minister's hands to solicit a belief that he (Obama) is committed to Israel's security and it's survivability.
An issue which not only threatens the very existence of the Jewish State (within the next 12 months), but also threatens any nation (in Europe or the Middle East) within striking distance from Iran.
Ahmedinajad has clearly shown no intention whatsoever of slowing down his nuclear program. He has openly expressed his longing to "Wipe Israel off the map".
President Obama has systematically displayed a split personality on this issue. For news cameras he shakes the Israeli Prime Minister's hands to solicit a belief that he (Obama) is committed to Israel's security and it's survivability.
However, behind closed doors he has explicitly made it clear to Israel that no strikes on Iranian nuclear sites are permitted without U.S. Presidential consent.
What President Obama has done in effect is tie Israel's hands behind their backs, and wait to simply get attacked when nuke capabilities are ready to launch. All in a manner that; should a mushroom cloud land on Israel, there is no ability at that point for Israel to respond whatsoever.
Leaving President Barack H. Obama with the aftermath of giving his condolences for "underestimating the Iranian intent" which led to a second Holocaust of the World.
President Obama may then push to memorialize this tragedy waged once again upon the Jewish people, and divert from the fact that he himself helped create this circumstance.
President Obama is now being REQUIRED to give a direct answer on a timeline instead of giving speeches behind podiums.
In President Obama's Speech given in Cairo, the President expressed to the Muslim world that so long as there are men in Afganistan and else where who wish to kill as many Americans as possible, the U.S. Military has a right to be in the Middle-East to stop it. President Obama seems to be suffering from a double standard that Israel is not afforded this same right when it comes to the forces at work who wish to kill as many Israeli's as possible.
We the People Hereby make it a REQUIREMENT for President Obama to clearly outline a TIMELINE for his APPROVAL of WHEN Israel is finally ALLOWED to defend herself from Iranian Nuclear aspirations to destroy the Jewish State.
This REQUIREMENT is DIRECTLY TIED with any future votes or election support for President Obama, both in Mid-Term Elections AS WELL as the next Presidential Election. You (Obama) will NOT be supported without giving a CLEAR timeline for this issue.
An issue which not only threatens the very existence of the Jewish State (within the next 12 months), but also threatens any nation (in Europe or the Middle East) within striking distance from Iran.
Not providing a CLEAR timeline on WHEN Israel is allowed to defend herself from extinction, will be a direct reflection of your own (Obama's) concealed motives on Israel's security and survivability. You will NOT be voted for, if you do not answer this very simple question. WHEN is Iran clear for nuclear disarmament by force? WHEN!??
Ronen Newmark
I Am ZIon Foundation