The madness must stop - a petition for the Head boy-Head Girl Team to be elected from 2017 onwards.
The Head boy-Head Girl Team are unelected. This petition will try to change that from the 2017 selection process onwards.
The Head boy-Head Girl Team perform many important jobs and successfully organise events, this petition doesn't move to defame them.
But how are unelected members with no mandate supposed to represent the views of students? It would be like the Queen simply appointing the Prime Minister without a popular vote. Would we then expect the Prime Minister to work for us?
A clear example of this is the dress code in the Student Handbook was complied by the Head Boy-Head Girl Team in 2015.
Your dress code, that you must follow, was compiled on your behalf by individuals who couldn't even vote for.
Decisions have been made for you by your representatives, who don't have your permission.
I think free and fair democratic elections should be used to decide the Head Boy-Head Girl Team and the Head Boy and Head Girl. To provide the correct representation you deserve.