Reinstate CLU Data - Section 1619 Of The 2008 Farm Bill
Jasper Jacobson 0

Reinstate CLU Data - Section 1619 Of The 2008 Farm Bill

1059 signers. Add your name now!
Jasper Jacobson 0 Comments
1059 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Bring Back CLU Data – Help Support The Change To Section 1619 Of The 2008 Farm Bill

There are still those who are reluctant to support a change to Section 1619 stating privacy concerns. We need to remind people that CLU data (commonly known as digital field borders and acres) does not contain farmers' names, addresses, Social Security numbers, wetland information or compliance data, and that CLU data greatly benefits businesses who work closely with the producer providing more timely, accurate and cost effective services.

By signing this petition, you are stating that you support the United States Congress in bringing back general use of Common Land Unit (CLU) data to the NRCS Data Gateway, especially because of the following circumstances:
USDA Farm Service Agency CLU data had been readily available and easily accessible to the public on the NRCS Data Gateway from 2004 to the summer of 2008 when the 2008 Farm Bill was signed. Section 1619 of the 2008 Farm Bill was not part of the bills passed by either the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate and was inserted during the Conference Committee process without public hearings or debate. CLU data only contains digital field borders and acres and does not contain farmers' names, addresses, Social Security numbers, wetland information or compliance data.
CLU data is used by producers and their wide range of support businesses including: appraisers, crop insurers, financial service providers, farm managers, irrigation and tilling installers, and aerial, chemical, fertilizer and manure applicators for accurate and timely records and procedures. Section 1619 creates unnecessary inefficiencies and negatively impacts agricultural professionals, producers, landowners, and others who utilize that data in their professions on a regular basis.Please sign this online petition and help us bring back CLU data!


AgriData, Inc. develops map-based information management systems and services for agricultural applications. AgriData, Inc.’s Surety® Customized Online Mapping System has dramatically improved the agricultural industry’s methods for locating, recording and displaying field borders and information for both farmers and ag applicators.


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