Animal Control in The Pueblo of Jemez
Uncontrolled animal populations can become a nuisance and potentially dangerous to people and their beloved pets. Most Native American reservations lack the resources to fund and support programs that are aimed to serve the animals in the community. Therefore, it is common to see stray, ill, injured, malnourished, and vicious animals.
Jemez Pueblo Animal Rescue (JPAR) is dedicated towards helping stray and owned animals. With the support from the Jemez Pueblo Police Department (JPPD), JPAR oversees the welfare of animals in Jemez Pueblo. Although JPAR solves animal related issues in the community, they do not handle vicious animals because of potential harm they pose. JPAR and the JPPD are not certified or equipped to deal with vicious animals.
The Sandoval County Animal Control program is established to serve Sandoval County, excluding all reservations. Since there is not an animal control program in Jemez Pueblo, vicious animals are not prioritized and properly taken care of. JPAR and the JPPD do recieve an abundant amount of reports, regarding animals and people being attacked or killed by vicious animals. JPAR and the JPPD try their best to solve the issue educationally and humanly.
If the Pueblo of Jemez tribal leaders agree to contract with Sandoval County Animal Control, vicious animals will be properly taken cared for and their threat will no longer worry community members and their pets. If the tribal leaders do not agree to contract with Sandoval County Animal Control, community members and pets will continue to be concerned with their safety because they are a target to viscous animals. The viscous animals are most likely not properly vaccinated, which means rabies can be transmitted to other animals and people if bitten by an infected animal.
The Jemez Pueblo community truly loves their two-legged and four-legged family members and hearts are broken if viscous animals harm them. With your input and support, the relationship between community members and animals in Jemez Pueblo will improve.