Schedule Public Hearing - Harbor Rose B&B Application !
A Bed & Breakfast (B&B) is a personal residence with rentable guestrooms. The most important factors are their uniqueness and sense of social environment. A B&B in the United States had an average of 8.5 rooms in 2014 (Source PAII)
A Comfortable Elegant 4 Bedroom B&B is an Asset to our Community. It provides “extra bedrooms” in the neighborhood for events and when in-laws visit; a temporary family home, when you’re renovating or restoring storm damage. Also, it brings visitors to the area that contribute to our local economy.
About the Owner: Deirdre Ventura grew up in Oyster Bay; has been a resident of Huntington and a Hospitality Industry Professional since 1981 and is a member of PAII. She adopted her daughter as a single Mom in 2008.
About the Property: A historic home built in 1849 formally knowns as “The Old Rectory” of St. John’s Church until 1936. Deirdre and her daughter live in the home year round. For more information visit
Compliance: The Harbor Rose provides a service to the community under a rental registration certificate issued by the Town of Huntington. The certificates have been discontinued; hence the submission of the B&B application. The home and applicant meet all the requirements for approval. There will be no changes to the home. We will continue to share our historic home with guests.
Indorsements: The technical review completed by the Huntington Town Planning Department and the Historic Commission did not have any objections to the application for a Bed and Breakfast. We have support from: CSH Civic Association, The CSH Main Street Ass, The CSH Fish Hatchery, The CSH Business Improvement District.and comunity members.
The Solution: Tell the MEMBERS OF THE HUNTINGTON TOWN BOARD to approve 4 guest rooms (we already have them!) And the guest and the Innkeeper will determine the length of stay not to exceed 6 months. The code allows for 2 guest rooms and a 7 day maximum stay. Imagine a merchant or service denying patrons on the 8th day? We housed families and emergency respondents for months in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Please sign this petition and indorse The Harbor Rose our community B&B and we will continue to be here for you!