Avon Parents and Students for a Fair Grading Scale
julie frick 0

Avon Parents and Students for a Fair Grading Scale

426 signers. Add your name now!
julie frick 0 Comments
426 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The parents and students of the Avon Local School District, in the state of Ohio and the county of Lorain, are urging the local School Board to reevaluate the current grading scale and make the following revisions: 97-100 A+ 4.33 93- 96 A 4.00 90- 92 A- 3.67 87- 89 B+ 3.33 83- 86 B 3.00 80- 82 B- 2.67 77- 79 C+ 2.33 73- 76 C 2.00 70- 72 C- 1.67 67- 69 D+ 1.33 63- 66 D 1.00 60- 62 D- .67 0- 59 F .00 *with 1 point added to Honors and AP/IP courses We believe these changes will encourage Avon students to take more challenging courses and enable them to better compete for college admissions, honors programs, and merit scholarships. Finally, we feel that we need to be in line with our neighboring school districts such as: Avon Lake, Westlake, Bay Village, and North Ridgeville who adhere to the above 10 point plus/minus grading scale. Keep in mind our high standards are due to our quality teachers, our strong curriculum, and motivated students- not the grading scale.




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