Armenia\'s 2008 Presidential Elections
Levon Bagramian 0

Armenia\'s 2008 Presidential Elections

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Levon Bagramian 0 Comments
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We, as concerned citizens, implore the United States\' government to expect without dilution the fundamental standards of democracy and rule of law from the authorities of the Republic of Armenia. Particularly, we ask that the State Department instruct its Embassy in Armenia to thoroughly study the thousands of reports that speak of the wide-spread election fraud that took place during and after the February 19, 2008 presidential elections in Armenia. After the study is completed, we ask the State Department to release a statement based on the assessment of the study. We believe that on February 19, 2008, the process of the presidential elections in Armenia failed to conform with basic standards of human rights, and did not uphold the fundamental values of freedom guaranteed to every individual in a truly democratic society. Countless reports of beatings, ballot stuffing, multiple voting, and vote buying were recorded at polling stations throughout Armenia. The links provided below speak leaps and bounds to the appalling conduct that transpired during the presidential elections, which today put in doubt the authenticity of the results. We, the undersigned, in the spirit of speaking out against the apparent retreat of freedom, urge the United States government to take a stand on behalf of universal values of freedom and justice. The good citizens of Armenia deserve no less than the clear and unwavering support of the American people.


Initiative for Democracy in Armenia. A public action group aimed at raising awareness for the fraudulent Presidential Elections that took place in Armenia on February 19th, 2008. Doing so, we seek the vigilant guard of freedom and democracy from the United States government.

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