Allow Artists Collective on Facebook

Whereas, the United States Supreme Court has never declared medical marijuana illegal. Whereas, California's state Supreme Court has affirmed the legality of Proposition 215 and State Senate Bill 420. Whereas, California's Attorney General has issued guidelines for the lawful operation of medical marijuana collectives. Whereas, Artists Collective is a licensed California non-profit with the philanthropic goal of raising money for art opportunity grants. Whereas, Artists Collective has a Constitionally protected right to free speech, and to express the view that marijuana should be legalized and proceeds should go to charities instead of drug cartels. Whereas, Facebook is violating Artists Collective's Free Speech rights, while it allows Neo-Nazi groups to use its service. Whereas, Artists Collective never at any time uses Facebook as means to any illegal activity and is merely expressing Freedom of Speech. Be it resolved that Facebook will reinstate Artists Collective's Facebook page so that Artists Collective can continue to talk about the social advantages of legalizing marijuana and directing hundreds of billions of dollars toward American non-profit charities. Should Artists Collective not be given free speech rights, we support legal action against Facebook on the grounds of prior restraint and any other legal avenues open to us.