Ask for better life for dairy animals in India

Have you ever tried to find out the real story behind the milk that you consume?
World Animal Protection did research across local dairies within the city limits of six major metropolitan areas in India; it has exposed the inhumane living conditions and shocking treatment of dairy cows and buffaloes.
It is believed about 50 million animals could be currently suffering.
Research found disturbing evidence of poor treatment such as Dairy Animals:
- Being tied up to short ropes round the clock.
- Being forced to lie in their own urine and feces, without any natural air to breathe, or room to stand, sit, move or roam.
- Seen eating unsuitable and stale food and drinking sewage water.
- Some foraging in garbage and in bustling roads, indicating the absence of proper management of dairy animals.
This treatment extends to their general living conditions that cause immense pain and stress. For example, Many dairy animals are:
- Living in overcrowded, barren conditions with inadequate shelter.
- Suffering malnutrition.
- Lacking access to proper breeding and veterinary care.
This is why we, the undersigned, are taking action.
Dairies in India are governed by the Registration of Cattle Premises Rules under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, but our research has found many local diaries are operating outside the law.
This means groups are ignoring animal laws and policies set to protect animals and the environment.
It's why we urgently ask the Department of Animal Husbandry, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, to enforce its own rules and give a better life to all the cows and buffaloes.
Sign this petition to add support - and ask that you, our government, address this critical issue.